Anka, a five year old tabby cat who likes to travel on trains
Whenever I travel abroad, my eye is drawn to any animals that I encounter.
Whenever I travel abroad, my eye is drawn to any animals that I encounter.
Sooty is a typical example of a “family pet”. Rosie is twenty two years old now, which means that she was a six year old girl when Sooty arrived in the household as a puppy.
Itchy skin is a common problem in pets. There are many causes, ranging from allergies to fleas, with dozens of other possible reasons.
Lameness is very common in pet dogs, and it is much more common in some breeds.
Cats are nimble and gymnastic creatures, jumping onto walls which look much too high to climb, and leaping across gaps which seem impossibly wide. They have an innate ability to judge distances and heights.
As a Rottweiler, Titan is a giant dog, weighing over 60kg (around 10 stone). He is a good-natured animal, which is just as well.
When Cheeky was brought in to see me, the main thing that her owners had noticed was a skin rash along her back and on her underside.
Whoopie just loves going for walks, and she has always adored chasing sticks. She has her own routine – she finds a stick herself, brings it to Mandy’s feet, and then barks until Mandy throws it.
Most cats arrive at my vet clinic in cat carrier cages, and these are usually carried in by the owner.
As a vet, it can be difficult to leave your job behind you, even when you go on holidays overseas.
Chico is a large, striking-looking black cat with yellow eyes.
Dog-napping is on the rise, with more and more pets being stolen from suburban gardens and homes across Ireland.
Sheila visited Sharpes Hill Animal Sanctuary in County Wicklow shortly after reading a book about the First World War, featuring a soldier called Pasha.
Fluffy and Murphy came into the Yarrow household when they were young kittens. The family live in an urban area, and it was obvious that it would be hazardous for the cats to be allowed outside.
Lucky had always been a typical terrier - an active, energetic dog. He had been healthy over the years apart from a few minor illnesses.
When Geraldine’s two kittens, Sooty and Snowy, were young, she made sure that she signed them both up for pet insurance.
Samoyeds come from the group of dogs known as “sled-pulling dogs”. They were bred in Siberia by nomadic reindeer herding people.
Max was a smart, inquisitive and friendly cat. He was the only animal in the house, and he enjoyed his role as the centre of human attention.