Fireworks frighten rabbits: tips for looking after your small hutch animals, especially rabbits

Fireworks frighten rabbits. While people may enjoy the snap, crackle and pop of Firework Night, it can prove the last straw for small hutch animals, especially rabbits, the UK’s 3rd most popular pet after dogs and cats. I had an email from someone after last weekend’s busy Halloween in Ireland: they had found their pet rabbit dead in his hutch on Sunday morning, and they blamed themselves. It’s hard to know why the rabbit passed away: there are many possible causes, but the shock/terror of hearing  a loud firework in the immediate vicinity may have played a part. Yorkshire-based family firm Burgess Pet Care, has been reminding owners that extra hay, straw and a few other ‘home improvements’ around November 5th can make all the difference to animals housed outdoors. “We often think about cats and dogs at this time of year, but can overlook pets such as rabbits,” says their veterinary innovations manager Dr Suzanne Moyes. “But with their superior sense of hearing, fireworks can be doubly terrifying for small animals and because celebrations are rarely limited to Bonfire Night, repeated exposure over several weeks can lead to long-term behavioural and health problems. Simple sound-proofing with hay and giving them plenty to snuggle up in and eat, will help them exhibit normal behaviour.” Burgess Tips for safe rabbit care tonight Move house. … Continue reading Fireworks frighten rabbits: tips for looking after your small hutch animals, especially rabbits