Bussell the hen with the sticky-out leg


Here is ‘Bussell’, so-named because she has sticky-out leg that looks as if she’s performing a ballet move sometimes; we’ve had a Darcy already so Bussell was the obvious next choice! She came out of her colony cage on 16th July and was almost put to sleep because of her wonky leg.  However, one of the team took her home and as you can see Bussell is enjoying her new found freedom!  She is described as feisty, tenacious and mobile … apparently she ‘bombs’ about despite her slightly deformed leg.

Bussell is looking for a permanent home in the South West and if anyone would like to adopt her, or others (we have a long queue waiting for homes), please get in touch with us by emailing hens@bhwt.org.uk or calling us on 01884 860084.

Bussell featured in Pete’s column in August 2016.


She is doing really well, though she’s had a change of name and is now called Twirl! She’s getting on just fine and lives with a flock of other hens, some of whom also have disabilities so she doesn’t feel left out!



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