Crissy Crossy is looking for her permanent home


Meet Crissy Crossy! You might’ve guessed, but her name is inspired by her crossed beak which she has had from birth. It has never caused this little hen any problems and she still eats and drinks as if she had a ‘normal’ beak. She came out of her cage on 9 October and was taken home by a volunteer who is currently fostering her. Chrissy Crossy needs a permanent home, so if you’re able to adopt this special lady please call the British Hen Welfare Trust on 01884 860084 or emailing

Crissy Crossy featured in Pete’s column last November 2016.


Crissy loves exploring the garden and checking out the new flowers. Just like all the other hens in the UK Crissy has spent the winter shut in to protect her against avian flu. Once the restrictions in our area were lifted she shot out of her run and couldn’t wait to resume exploring.

Crissy has big plans to remodel the garden and has already selected the places where she plans to dig dust bath holes and scratch up some worms. She isn’t pleased with the rain we have had recently but knows that this will make the grass grow – she loves grass!



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