Fudge is a playful 6 year old crossbreed

Hello my name is Fudge and I am 6 years old. I am a playful and affectionate boy and somewhat of a complex character. I can be upset by some things and am particular about who and what I like, so I will need an experienced owner who is patient and understanding of my needs.

My ideal home would be quiet, with a nice big garden to explore and play in and quiet country walks nearby once I settle in. I could live with just one or two adults, who must adore me, and no children, other pets or visitors.

I have been in kennels for a few years and find change difficult, so I would like to have my own space that I can go to whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed.

My new owners will need to understand that it will take me a long time to settle in to my new home, and my behaviour may take a few step backwards when I first arrive.

I am looking for somebody who is home most of the day so that we can build a strong bond but who also understands that, although I love company and to have a fuss, I am also an independent lad and like my own space.

Call 0208 950 0177 or visit nawt.org.uk for more information.

Fudge featured in Pete’s column on Sunday 11th October 2020


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