Harley is a special 2 year old Staffie

Harley is a 2 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Our wonderful Harley is one of our longest residents here at Cotswolds Dogs and Cats Home and we would dearly love to find him the loving home he deserves. Harley is completely devoted to his person and wants to be close to you at all times, he even thinks he’s a lap dog despite weighing over 20 kilos!

At just two years old, Harley has had his world turned upside down a number of times and as a result, suffers from separation anxiety. For this reason, an ideal home for Harley is somebody that can have a shadow at their side, gently teaching him to be a little more independent and grow in confidence, eventually building him up to short periods of time on his own. A great person for Harley will be someone who can be with him all the time or perhaps even have a job where Harley would be welcome to come along!

He is a big boy and has learned to walk beautifully on the lead but will require a committed owner to continue to teach him the lovely manners he has developed with us at the centre.

All Harley really wants is to be beside you, have some lovely walks to work off his energy and have someone to make him feel safe and loved. Could this be you?

Based at the Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home, Gloucestershire.

More details www.cdch.org.uk Tel: 01453 890014

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