Kiara and Rafiki, two young Lionhead Rabbits


Kiara and Rafiki featured on 13th October 2012

This week’s rescue pets are Kiara and Rafiki, two young lionhead rabbits who were brought into Bath Dog and Cat home as an unwanted litter. They are now two months old. Since rabbits are sociable animals, they prefer to live in small family groups. Kiara is the female (ref BR23508), and Rafiki (refBR23510) the male.To find out more phone 01225 787321.

What happened next?

Siblings, Kiara and Rafiki, are living the Life of Riley in Bath with the Davies family. These Lionhead crosses are full of beans, they spend most of their time running around and perfecting their somersault skills. They have free reign of the garden during the day and sometimes venture into the house when they’re feeling inquisitive and bold. They’ve also developed a taste for rocket and oat cakes!

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