Missie is a fairly independent 10 year old cat

Hello there, my name is Missie and I am 10 years old and have been here for over 170 days!  I am a fairly independent domestic Short Haired cat and although I do like to be around humans, once I get a bond with someone I am very affectionate. It does take a little while for me to trust and bond with someone but once I do I am a very loving companion. I have been a bit poorly in the past with cat flu but I am now back to full strength and am currently showing no symptoms but my illness can come back in times of high stress. I would need to be in a home with no other pets and no children.

Visit margaretgreenanimalrescue.org.uk or call 01929 480474.

Church Knowle Rehoming and Visitor Centre
BH20 5NQ

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