Neo is a lovely natured young Lurcher

Behind his wide smile, Neo has one of the saddest stories of any Battersea dog. This young boy arrived at Battersea’s Old Windsor centre as a stray over a year ago. Aged just two, Neo has now been in kennels for half his adult life. When Neo arrived at Battersea he was very underweight, but was still wearing his trademark smile and bounding about with enthusiasm. Neo’s a lovely-natured boy who’s been in kennels for far too long and he deserves a shot at happiness. If you think he could be the one for you, please get in touch.

If you would like to enquire about rehoming Neo or any of the other dogs at Battersea, please contact 0843 509 4444 or visit

Neo featured in Pete’s column on Sunday 17th September 2017.

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