Blue and Agatha are large rabbits.


Blue and Agatha featured in Pete’s column last year.

Blue and Agatha have joined us from a near by animal shelter. Blue is a one year old healthy male french lop (5kg). Agatha is a large cross breed who looks like a very large wild rabbit (4kg). She is estimated to be around two years old. These are large to giant sized rabbits who require accommodation appropriate to their size. To find out more about these rabbits, go to

What happened next?

An update from their new owner: “Blue and Agatha have settled in well! They are still greedy, but mostly we only feed them at feeding time. They do beg by nudging our feet in the kitchen whenever we go to the fridge or to make drinks….particularly if its within about two hours of feeding time!

Blue is quite an explorer and I may need to get child locks for the cupboard! He often waits behind the door so he can escape when it opens. He is still not keen on a fuss but likes to help with whatever we are doing. He loves eating the grass when he is outside and is very dedicated when it comes to food!

Agatha is much more reserved, but is quite determined – particularly about digging up my rhododendron bush! She has relaxed and settled in and really likes a fuss to be made of her now. She isn’t as curious as Blue, thankfully!”

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