Shalamar the handsome 6 year old black cob needs a home

Rescue pony Shalamar from Redwings Horse Sanctuary is looking for a new home as a non-ridden, companion pony!

Six-year-old 13.3hh black cob Shalamar was rescued in 2012 with 21 other neglected ponies from South Wales.

While Shalamar made a full recovery physically, his difficult start in life means he can be a little nervous around new people, so he is looking for an experienced owner who can give this lovely chap the calm and gentle home he needs to build his confidence. And once he gets to know you, Shalamar is a very trusting and loving pony.

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the team at Redwings, Shalamar is great to handle. He is good to catch and groom, and loads and travels well. Companionship is, however, key for this gentle cob as he can become anxious if left alone or stabled without a neighbour next door.

Offering Shalamar the chance to have a quiet and loving home outside Redwings where he can build his confidence will be incredibly rewarding for any new owner, so for more details on how to offer Shalamar a home, visit

Please note, Redwings is currently only able to rehome in East Anglia, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

Shalamar featured in Pete’s column on Sunday 7th January 2018

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