10 min podcast: differences between cats and dogs | East Coast Radio
Cats are very different from dogs, from their tongues to their claws to their behaviours. This short podcast discusses some of those differences: listen below.
Cats are very different from dogs, from their tongues to their claws to their behaviours. This short podcast discusses some of those differences: listen below.
Cats have a strong drive to hunt birds, but many owners would prefer that they don't do this. This short podcast discusses how hunting behaviour can be reduced.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES:Toby often greets Miriam when she comes home from work. He’s there, on the doorstep, looking up at her, purring.
Today, 8th August, is International Cat Day. People with an interest in cats are taking time to celebrate these remarkable animals.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESTiger is a special type of pedigree cat: there are very few Bengals in this country.
In New Zealand, a school set up a competition to reduce the local feral cat population by asking children to shoot cats dead. After a huge outcry, this crazy idea was abandoned.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESLike most cats, Sissi is a creature of habit: she comes and goes at around the same time each day.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Even though he’s just a young adult, Cinnamon has become a creature of habit, coming and going at regular times of the day, sitting in particular places, and eating h ..
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESRene first came across Mischa when she turned up at the back door of his partner Alison’s workplace. She was a typical feral cat, terrified of people but never aggressive.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESZaida has had complicated health problems recently. When she was ten years old, she started to have accidents around the house, suddenly passing floods of urine on the floor.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESRuby took on Eddie as a one year old rescued cat, and ever since she’s owned him, his left eye has not been normal.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESHolly’s family are fond of cats, and in the last few years they looked after a number of rescued cats from local welfare groups.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESAs Susie has grown older, she now spends most of her time sleeping, and so she has stopped wearing down her own nails.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESLike many cats, Louis is territorial. He sees himself as the king of his local jungle, which in his case means Anne’s back garden.
The change to Inky happened gradually, over a few months. She had always been an easy going, placid animal who had got on well with other cats.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESOne of the reasons that Bonnie is an indoor-only cat is that it’s a safer place to be. The outdoor world can be dangerous.
My weekly podcast from East Coast FM this week featured the common problems of asthma and chronic bronchitis in cats and dogs.
THIS STORY IS FROM OUR ARCHIVESPumpkin came into in Ciaran’s life as a kitten two years ago: it was the day before Halloween, which explains her seasonal name.