Ireland AM vet spot on TV3: the Yellow Dog Campaign plus answering viewers’ pet queries

This week on Ireland AM, we discussed the Yellow Dog Campaign which is a smart way of letting people know about dogs that should not be approached by strangers when out on walks. Click here to watch the video.

I also answered a few questions from viewers about their own pets…….

1. Eileen from Wexford called because she was worried that her two year old Golden Labrador was not putting on weight.

2. Mary from Tipperary texted; “Does a six month old puppy that has never had vaccinations need the same injections as a young puppy?”

3. Catherine from Limerick wanted to know what to do about her dog throwing his bedding out of his kennel

To find out the answers, watch the video by clicking on this link.

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Please note that I am unable to answer veterinary questions in comments. If you have questions or concerns about your pet's health it is always better to contact your vet.

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