Pet product review: “Woof-Box” – special pet treats delivered to your door every month

Kiko loved the squeaky toy that arrived in the Woof-Box - it took her just 10 minutes to disembowel and de-squeak the little Easter lamb

Kiko loved the squeaky toy that arrived in the Woof-Box – it took her just 10 minutes to disembowel and de-squeak the little Easter lamb

As a part of my role as a vet in the media, I am lucky enough to be the recipient of occasional samples of various pet-related goodies from time to time. I don’t always write about them here, but when something particularly appeals, it seems like an appropriate way of saying thank you.
The latest arrival on my doorstep was a parcel known as a “Woof-Box”, which appeared just before Easter. As you can see from the pictures in this post, my own dog Kiko was delighted to help me investigate some of its contents.
This idea was inspired by Graze Box, a service that offers mail order healthy snacks for humans. Woof-Box  aims to handpick and deliver only the healthiest, tastiest snacks, treats and other goodies to the doors of dogs across the UK and Ireland*. Because every dog is different, dog owners can rate the product categories they receive each month to build a personalised preference profile for their pet, a bit like those “smart selection” services for online supermarket shopping. This system ensures every Woof-Box delivery contains the best selection that each individual dog will love. This service provides a cost effective, fun way to keep dogs happy and engaged. It also gives the opportunity for dog lovers to try a wide variety of products as the Woof-Box team sources new, interesting products for the monthly boxes.
The contents of each Woof-Box provide special treats, biscuits, chews and other exciting and useful products  that are fit for even the most pampered pooches, but at a price that works out at as little as £4.15 per week with free delivery to the UK (or see below for delivery to Ireland).

This dried sweet potato treat may not sound appealing to a dog, but Kiko loved it

This dried sweet potato treat may not sound appealing to a dog, but Kiko loved it

Some of the contents of the box enjoyed by my pets included quirky toys and useful training aids and organic snacks that aren’t found in supermarkets or local pet shops.

Once she had the sweet potato chew in her mouth, she was a happy little dog

Once she had the sweet potato chew in her mouth, she was a happy little dog

Customised boxes can be put together for dogs with specific needs, with contents tailored for developing puppies, older arthritic dogs, weight-watching dogs or dogs that need products to help with problems such as bad breath.

The service can also be used to provide a special personalised one-off gift pack for just £21.99, which can make a handy present for your dog or dog-loving friends and family.

The Easter box included special carob "dog friendly" Easter Eggs

The Easter box included special carob “dog friendly” Easter Eggs

The Easter box included special carob "dog friendly" Easter Eggs

Kiko enjoyed unwrapping them herself, then tucking into the tasty carob treat

* It costs £7.50 to pay for delivery to Ireland, but if you use the Parcel Motel service, you can have any “UK  free delivery” product sent to a collection point in your home town in Ireland for just €3.50.

Another example of the artisan-style treats available from Woof-Box

Another example of the artisan-style treats available from Woof-Box

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