Podcast: Should the online sale of dogs be banned in Ireland?


  • Joanne Parker says:

    That’s not going to stop nothin , the only way puppy farming will stop is if the government make a law that only puppies can be sold with certificates , and every breeder needs to note on that pedigree ever time the bitch has Been breed , a bitch should be left in outside kennels and made to produce 2 litters every year , that’s what’s happening in Ireland , banning Irish online sales will only make they sell more to UK , via their contacts .

    • petethevet says:

      The basic needs for solving the problem are there: compulsory microchipping for all dogs before sale. If that alone was enforced, all dogs would immediately be traceable to their breeder, statistics could be generated for the source of puppies, rogue puppy farmers could be identified and many issues could be sorted out.

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