The UK Parliament vote on animal sentience explained: Pete the Vet podcast from Newstalk’s Pat Kenny Show

Animal sentience in the UK

We all know that animals are sentient beings -so why did the UK parliament vote against including a clause from EU legislation stating this fact?

Listen to the podcast below to find out more, or read my latest VetHelpDirect blog post here.

Questions about pets from listeners

  • One of our dogs is going through a cycle of dark red diarrhea and foamy vomit. We put her on special gastrointestinal food for a few days. Then onto her normal food. All is fine for 3 or 4 days then she is sick again. The other dog is healthy throughout. This is a recent cycle in the last 2 months. John. Dublin.
  • Our old pug aged 13 getting repeated interdigital cysts very painful and goes lame with them any solution or advice appreciated thanks Grainne, Galway.
  • You have been a great help giving advice on my very hyper kitten, so the Christmas tree is going up next Saturday I can envisage Troy the kitten in the tree, on top of the tree and bringing down the tree. I am a bit nervous of the needles of the tree getting into his eyes. Do I just let him enjoy the tree. Marie
  • I have a 4 month old German Shepherd can you recommend a good safe chew alternative to the traditional bone? I have heard antler horns are good. Would I be better sticking to dental sticks knowing that whatever is chewed will most likely be eaten? From Ciara.
  • We have 3 rescue dogs, all mongrels and range in size from spaniel to Jack Russell. All 3 love to stare out the front window at the passers by. However relatively recently they have started barking at pretty much everything going past, if we put the blinds down they’re content and don’t worry about it. This means that most of the time the blinds are down. Is there something we can do to stop the dogs barking at anything/anyone passing on the road outside. We have tried distracting them but that doesn’t seem to work. Many thanks Gordon in Dublin
  • My Yorkshire terrier keeps running away when we get back to the car… after our walk or run.. once he sees the car he knows the walk is over.. took an hour yesterday to catch him… in woods walking.. so he’s off lead.. what to do?
  • My dog Lola is a Springer. She is 3 months old but is eating everything we bought her loads of toy and bring her on walks have you any good advice that could help thanks.
  • My nine year old Cocker spaniel is starting to grunt and growl In a relaxing way when lying look on the couch or on people… is this just age? Thanks John
  • My 10 year old Retriever has just had a histiocytoma removed for 3rd time and we are waiting on extra specialised test results from U.K.. General bloods tests so far show she is hypercalcemic. (She wasn’t last June when blood tests were previously taken) Could Pete advise please What is the significance of this? Is it worth pursuing?
  • What cat trackers does Pete recommend? See this link to find out more about Pawtrack cat locators.

To listen to the answers to the above questions, listen to the podcast below

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