Guest Post: Nine easy ways to improve your relationship with your cat

This blog was written by Linda Butts who is the owner of the blog site 

Want a greater relationship with your kitty? Have you reached the end of the rope and about to get rid of your cat? Do you want your kitty to adore you?

Dear cat lovers,

If you want your kitty to adore you, you need to treat them in the same way. Being cat owners, we very well know how emotionally delicate they are. I know our cats do make us work for the affection but the moment they are comfortable with us they return the favor.

In fact, some cats that really want affection and interaction from you, while others are not. Some of the cats are affectionate naturally, but every cat owner should work to enhance their relationship with the feline by following the mentioned steps below:

1. Feed High-Quality Food

Feed her well. Just like the human beings, cats should also have a proper diet because obesity can cause your cat medical issues. Choose high-quality food for your cat. Read the guidelines mentioned on the food packages so as to give the proper amount of food.

If you don’t want your cat to develop a particular kind of taste, then feed her different variety of food. This will help her to accept new flavors and taste.

As cats eat dry food, they require more water. Unlike dogs, cats are enticed to drink more water. They like fresh water and if you place it near the place they eat they would think it is contaminated.

Luckily, the cat – focused water fountains are available in the market. These fountains keep circulating the water, and it tastes fresh. So, you can choose the best cat water fountains and load the water dish up and leave it; even if you have a picky cat.

2. Socialize

If you have just brought a young cat home, it would be great if you slowly expose her to things she will be coming across in her life. Make her feel comfortable when you touch or hold her. So at the time of grooming and medicating you don’t need to put a bandage on your hand.

Make her meet new people. Make her familiar with new sounds. Expose her to traveling in her carrier and visit the veterinary clinic now and then.

If you do this gently and safely, it will help your cat in adjusting to changes and the experiences as she grows.

3. Take Great Veterinary Care

Felines are very sensitive to the inner or outer environment. They catch illness very easily. It is necessary to get your cat checked to the veterinarian twice a year.

To prevent unwanted babies and reduce the risk of feline HIV, your cat must be neutered. Having the cat chipped by a veterinarian is important; because if your cat gets missing you can find her easily and save some time.

If your kitty spends a lot of time outside, then do ask your veterinarian for the flea and worming treatment.

4. Train Affectionately

Stop assuming that your cat would know all the rules of your house. Cats need to be trained and trust me it is very easy. Be kind when you train. Don’t punish them because it will not only affect your relationship, but also they will be afraid of you.

When you start, training does remember there is no place for yelling or hitting. Nobody misbehaves intentionally, so there is no reason to give punishment.

5. Be Playful

Interactive playtime has been one of the most popular ways to develop trust. Indulge in play sessions for two times a day. The session should be at least of 15 minutes.

Enrich your environment. Make small kitty playground using cat trees, puzzle toys and other toys that look likes prey.

6. Setup Proper Litter Box

It might not be appealing to you, but it does work for your cat. Sometimes, we hide the litter box in the remote area of our house that we forget to clean them.

It should be easy for your kitty to get to the litter box. The litter box should be of the right size. You should try filling it with the soft litter that your kitty likes. Don’t forget to scoop the litter box two times a day.

7. Learn Her Body Language

To enhance your bond with your cat, you must need to understand her emotions. By leaning her body language, you can get along with your so easily.

Make eye contact with your cat. Look straight into her eyes, slowly open and close your eyes few times. Wait for the cat to imitate you.

Your cat’s tail can tell you what is going on in her head. Tails indicate the mood of your kitty. Pay attention to your cat’s tail and learn cat’s tail language.

  • Position: High – If she holds her tail high in the air it means she is happy and willing to be your friend.
  • Position: Low – A tail is positioned down then it shows aggression, and it means your kitty is in a serious mood.
  • Position: Whipping Tail – It means you got to stay away from your kitty because it shows both aggression and fear.

8. Make Yourself Reachable

I know you are very much busy with your life and cats are independent animals, but if you don’t give time to your cat, she might start avoiding you. The best possible way to avoid this is to make you reachable.

If your cat happens to like particular pillow or blanket, place it in the lap and make a comfy spot for your kitty. Always stay calm.

9. Respect Her Individuality

Cats seem to have their dislikes and likes. Moreover, they hate being forced to do something they hate. So, this is all about what your kitty likes, and not you!

Try to follow these steps and make your kitty love you even more. If you guys need any help regarding this, please comment below and let us know.



  • Jennifer Jennings says:

    Hi Pete my kitten is 4 months and she keeps getting up on worktops, table and hob. A friend told me you mentioned an indoor deterrent can you advise the name and where I can ourchae it please.
    Kind regards

  • Melanija says:

    Hi! I have a question. I found my cat 2 years ago near the river in remote area. She was around 2 months old at the time, very skinny, obviously dumped there by someone. I took her home, and ever since the first moment I took her in our house she showed an increadible amount of gratitude.
    Last summer I had to move temporary because of my work, and I left her with my parents (we live in the same house). They told me she had been looking for me for almost a whole month. I came home, 3 months after I left, but our relationship had never returned to what it was. It’s been almost 8 months since I’m back, but our relationship is, I would even dare to say hostile. She still sleeps in my bed, and quite often actually wants me to play with her, but she is agressive, spends really short amount of time at home, she runs away making weird noises when I try to pet her..
    Is she ever going to forgive me? What can I do to fix my relationship with her?

  • Sarah says:

    I love her but shes always hiding

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