Make your vote speak for the voiceless: animals and the General Election in Ireland. Podcast from Newstalk’s Pat Kenny Show

With the General Election in Ireland coming up on Saturday 8th February 2020, everyone who cares about animals will have an opportunity to vote for those candidates that support animal welfare.

Your vote can make a difference.

The ISPCA has drawn up a list of key questions that listeners can ask candidates on the doorstep. Print this out, and ask every caller each of these questions.

  • What are their views on animal welfare?
  • Would they support animal welfare being taught in all schools as part of the curriculum?
  • Do they support stronger penalties for those convicted of animal welfare offences?
  • What are their views on blood sports such as fox hunting and live hare coursing?
  • Do they agree that the live export of food animals to countries outside the EU should be banned?
  • Would they support stronger animal welfare legislation?

The ISPCA will be circulating more information about animal welfare issues prior to the election, so keep an eye on their website.

There is a specific Party for Animal Welfare, and their Deputy Leader, Ted Cronin, will be running as an Independent candidate for Animal Welfare in Kerry.
(This group will be holding a protest against the Grey Seal Cull, on 1st February at Dingle Pier, Dingle Town, Kerry, from 2 to 5pm)

To listen to the podcast, click on the play button below

Pete also did a Facebook Live session, answering listeners’ queries about their pets – you can watch this here.

Listen to the podcast:

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