The New Year brings new plans: Tuesday is time for product reviews on “Pete the Vet”


In the past year, I have introduced a type of scheduling to my Pete the Vet blog. You may have noticed that there’s a pattern, with a dog story on Mondays, a cat story on Wednesdays, the TV3 spot on Thursdays, a pet rescue story on Fridays, the Telegraph Pet Subjects column on Saturdays, and my weekly radio podcast on Sundays. This has never been set in stone, with real life often interfering with plans (my media work does not always happen every week, so there are sometimes gaps).  It’s more of an aspiration than a rigid timetable.

And of course, I also use the blog for random interesting items that I happen to come across: I’m passionate about pets and animals, and I enjoy sharing anything that may be relevant to others with this same interest.

As part of plans for the New Year, I am aiming to start to create a regular Tuesday blog post with the broad subject of “product reviews”. In my life as a vet and pet owner, I come across all sorts of pet accessories – from toys to training aids to treats and foods. My plan is to write brief notes and thoughts about a different item every Tuesday. This blog is automatically reposted to my Facebook page, and there’ll be an opportunity for others to chip in with their own views and thoughts on the same subject.

If anyone has favoured products that they feel are worth sharing with others, then I’ll try to cover them in due course. Just let me know via Facebook.

May you all – pets and people – have a wonderful 2014 together.

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