Planning your summer holidays? Have your pets minded for free or get free accommodation for minding pets

To listen to my latest interview on Today FM, click here. It’s about Trusted House Sitters, a new animal-related website.

This is a great time of year to plan the coming summer: and if animals feature in your life, then TrustedHouseSitters could provide an answer for you. There are two ways that it might help you:

1) If you have a home with animals that need to be looked after, the website is a great way to find a trusted person to move into your home while you are away.

2) If you like animals, TrustedHouseSitters can help you find a “holiday for free”. Basically, you agree to mind someone else’s pets and house, and they let you stay in their home without paying for accommodation or utitilities.

I had a “Trusted House Sitters” holiday last summer, and I love the idea. Yesterday, on Today FM’s Sunday Business Show, the website was featured in the “Funny Business” slot – and I was interviewed to describe my own experiences: you can listen to the podcast by clicking here.

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