Podcast: worms, worms, worms, then listeners’ queries with Pete the Vet on Newstalk’s Pat Kenny Show

Nobody likes the thought that their pet may be carrying worms

  • Worm control is simple and very important, not just for animal health, but also for human health.
  • The average rule is that an adult dog should be given a worm dose every 3 months routinely
  • You must use the right type of worm dose: the best choice is often a broad spectrum wormer that covers the dog for roundworms, tapeworms and others.

For more on worms in dogs, listen to the podcast  at the foot of this page, or read my recent article in the Daily Telegraph.

Questions from listeners

  • Our dog recently got lungworm and was very sick, the vet thought he had a tumor and we might have to put him down but all is well now. Can you discuss lungworm?
  • What is best dry dog food he recommend for 8 year old miniature schnauzer who is bit thin, and a 13 year old Labrador. Currently feeding on a supermarket brand dry dog food but we’re not happy with it.
  • Is it ok to give our 4 yr old Jack Russell ordinary food and milk and cheese which he loves?
  • My dog sleeps in a detached, unheated garage at night. How cold can it get and the dog still be comfortable? My dog is a mix of spaniel and lab.
  • Could my bitch be having a false pregnancy? She is 9 years old. She didn’t bleed before her heat, and they sleep in my room. The male dog was up on her, but not in her, and I separated them after that. But she now looks in pup although I can’t feel any movement. I bred her once but didn’t want to again due to the rescue situation. The day I caught them was February 5th. Thanks. Clare

To find out the answers and to listen to the full podcast, click on the link below.

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  • David Null, PhD, MScPH says:

    Doc, treating for internal parasites every three months seems excessive to me. I treat a dog when received then watch for signs and symptoms before testing. I would not routinely treat without a float test. I’m an independent dog rescuer and have had maybe 200 dogs through our little rescue. Our dogs interact with many, many dogs at dog parks and beaches but we’ve never had significant problems. In addition, I’ve carried out field research, comparing the infestation rates of dogs owned by poor people compared those belonging to the middle class. I’ll admit I was surprised to find a similar very low infestation rate for both groups. I’ve NEVER had a dog test positive for threadworms, whipworms, or heartworm. Admittedly, I’m in southern California where the climate is not conducive to some parasites.

    • petethevet says:

      This is a difference between attitudes in Europe and in North America – at some stage I need to write an article that discusses the rationale for each approach. Thanks for your comment.

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