Ten ways the veterinary profession is changing: Pete the Vet in the Daily Telegraph

A vet has a range of roles, from surgery to consulting and more

Like evolution, change in the professions happens slowly but surely. I qualified as a vet back in 1985  – thirty two years ago – and since then, the way that people work as vets has changed immensely. Pet owners are certain to have noticed some of these changes in their local vet clinic, while others are “behind the scenes” changes that are less obvious.

What about the future? What changes are expected in the next decade? This interesting topic was recently addressed by Adele Waters, the new editor of the Veterinary Record, which is the main journal of record of the veterinary profession in the UK. In my latest Telegraph article, I’ve listed her ideas, with my own feeling about each of them.

To read the article, click on the link below.

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