Flea and tick control – podcast from vet spot on Newstalk’s Pat Kenny Show

The main topic this week is flea and tick control: with the recent warm weather, this is more important than ever for pets.
Listen to the podcast here or click on the play button at the foot of this page.

Image of tick by Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay


Apart from wishing to protect pets against fleas, most humans are keen not to be affected themselves. While humans cannot pick up flea infestations, fleas can still nibble us, and it’s obviously better to take steps to ensure that this never happens.
Fleas can be a hidden problem: over 95% of a flea infestation is in the home itself, with the fleas living in the carpets and soft furnishings.
Only 5% of a flea population may be visible on the affected pet, so even if you never see fleas, it’s worth taking routine flea control measures, especially in the warmer months of the year.


Ticks are not fussy about which species they suck blood from, and there is a serious risk of them passing on Lyme Disease, which can affect both dogs and humans. You can see the logic in preventing these parasites from attaching to both people and pets.
Regular tick control treatments can remove the risk almost completely.

Preventing fleas and ticks

One way of making it easier for owners to prevent these parasites is to use the more recently developed methods of parasite control: more than two thirds of dog owners questioned in a recent survey said they would prefer to give a long-lasting (12 week) flea and tick treatment with a separate worming tablet rather than having to remember to give a flea and tick treatment every month.

Flea and tick control measures have improved significantly in recent years. If you’re not sure what to do, talk to your vet: the most effective and safest anti-parasite products tend to be launched first via the nation’s network of vet clinics.

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