Strictly Madness: Pete the Vet is helping raise money for a local school by dancing

I love dancing, but I’m more of an informal freestyle bopper than an organised set-piece strutter. So when I was asked recently to take part in a “strictly dancing” fund raiser for a local national school, my instinct was “no way”. But then….. after a bit of thought, I changed my mind. Life can too often be spent travelling established, safe paths, without taking risks or facing new challenges. So based on the weird principle that I really didn’t want to do it, I’ve decided to do it.

We’ve been practicing twice weekly, and the Big Night is rapidly coming up – on Saturday 22nd March. The winning couple will be chosen based on a combination of votes and fund raising, so if you’d like to help me win this mad competition, you can do so by pledging a few euro. To do that, click on this link.

Many thanks: if I can help raise some money for this worthy local school, then the madness may not be entirely mad……

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