VetHelpDirect blog: “Was I wrong to castrate my dog?” “Could it be a mistake to spay a female dog?” Update on the pros and cons of neutering and spaying

Spaying and neutering is the best way to deal with the problem of massive over production of pups and kittens in Ireland

SpayAware is being launched this weekend in Ireland – the aim is to make pet owners aware of the importance of spaying and neutering dogs and cats to control the massive over production of puppies and kittens.

At the same time as this is happening, when the subject is discussed, some pet owners worry about the possible adverse effects of spay/neuter.  Read my article over at VetHelpDirect to learn more about some of the new research which is making the neuter/spay decision something that needs to be considered carefully for each individual animal, taking many different factors into account.

On balance, spaying/neutering at 5 – 6 months of age is definitely the best choice for the healthy of most small to medium dogs. For bigger dogs, there are more factors to take into account.

The bottom line is: discuss this with your vet when your dog reaches puberty.

For more info, please read my VetHelpDirect blog by clicking here.

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